Our team of expert eye specialists, deliver exceptional care for individuals of all ages, from children to adults. Our accomplished doctors collectively bring forth over 80 years of combined experience in the meticulous diagnosis and expert management of various ocular diseases.
Dr William Glasson
Dr William Glasson graduated from the University of Queensland in 1980 and completed his residency at the Princess Alexandra Hospital and the Mater Hospital. After completing his ophthalmic training in Brisbane, he undertook postgraduate training in London in the area of ocular oncology as well as working in the area of lid and lacrimal pathology.
Dr Glasson is currently a consultant ophthalmologist at the Mater Public Hospital, 2nd Field Hospital Enoggera and Longreach Base Hospital. He is a past President of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO). He is a consultant ophthalmologist to the Australian Army and holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In addition to this, he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia, for services to medicine in rural and remote Australia. He was instrumental in the establishment of Ophthalmology services for the people of Western Queensland by providing outreach clinics in Longreach, Winton, Barcaldine and Blackall for over 20 years. He continues to provide outreach services to the Australian indigenous population as well as providing ophthalmic services in East Timor.
Specialties: Refractive surgery, glaucoma management, lacrimal surgery, and ocular oncology.
dr albert aralar
Dr Aralar graduated from the University of Queensland with his Medical Degree before undergoing specialist training in ophthalmology locally at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. He was the recipient of a Bausch and Lomb bursary to assist with further subspecialty training at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK and also at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. He returned to Brisbane in 2002 and commenced his private practice.
He primarily operates at Queensland Eye Hospital where he is a long-serving member of the Medical Advisory Committee.
Specialties: Retinal and vitreous disorders including Age Related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Detachments and Macular Traction Disorders.
Dr lindsay mcgrath
BAppSc(Optom)(Hons) MBBS MPhil(Ophthal) FRANZCO
Dr Lindsay McGrath graduated from Optometry with Honours at the Queensland University of Technology in 2005. She then went on to medical school at the University of Queensland and completed a Masters of Philosophy in Ophthalmology in 2013. Dr McGrath undertook her specialty ophthalmology training in her home state of Queensland and completed her training at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, with an acting fellow role in the orbital, lacrimal and plastics team. At the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in the United Kingdom, she completed a further year of subspecialty training in ocular oncology, oculoplastics and the orbit.
She is widely published in peer-reviewed journals in her area of subspecialty and has presented at international conferences. Dr McGrath is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) and a member of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeons, British Oculoplastics Surgeons Society and International Society of Ocular Oncologists.
Specialties: Surgical and medical management of intraocular and extraocular tumours, diseases of the eyelids, lacrimal system and orbit.
Dr James English completed his ophthalmic training at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital (Melbourne). He undertook further training at The Alfred Hospital (Melbourne) gaining experience in complex cataract surgery.
Dr English is an ophthalmic surgeon with training in cataract, pterygium and glaucoma management. He also has experience treating a wide range of medical retina disease with interests in macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease and retinal vein occlusions.
Dr English offers manageable treatment options and empowers his patients through education and collaboration. He is a lecturer at the University of Queensland School of Medicine and been recognised internationally for his research contributions.
Specialities: Refractive surgery, glaucoma management, medical retina including Age Related Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Retinopathy.
dr kate hogden
BSc, MBBS, M.Med (Ophthalmic Science), FRANZCO
Dr Kate Hogden practices comprehensive Ophthalmology with sub-specialty interests in glaucoma, cataract surgery and medical retina.
Dr Hogden completed her Medical degree at the University of Queensland before moving to Sydney to undertake Ophthalmology training at the Sydney Eye Hospital. She then completed subspecialty training in glaucoma at the surgically renowned University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada for which she was awarded a RANZCO Topham Scholarship. Whilst at UBC, Dr Hogden also spent time with the prestigious vitreoretinal department gaining invaluable medical and surgical retina experience. More recently, she supplemented this with further medical retina training locally at Sydney Eye Hospital.
Dr Hogden performs various glaucoma laser procedures as well as traditional glaucoma surgeries (including trabeculectomy and glaucoma drainage devices). She also has a special interest in minimally invasive glaucoma surgeries (MIGS).
Dr Hogden holds a public appointment at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and enjoys being involved in Registrar teaching. She is actively involved in ongoing clinical research and has presented at a number of Australian and international Ophthalmology conferences.
nadine alexander
Clinical Optometrist
Nadine graduated from QUT with a Master of Optometry with therapeutic endorsement, and has been mentored, and working alongside Dr Bill Glasson since 2019. Prior to this, she has published her research on Age-related Macula Degeneration (MPhil) in peer-reviewed ophthalmic journals, and presented at international conferences.
Nadine has worked over a number of years in both private practices and ophthalmology specialty clinics, as well as continuing to provide rural outreach services in Longreach, QLD. This has allowed her to broaden her scope of interest in primary care, ocular oncology, and eye disease/red eye management.
At the Oxford Eye Centre, Nadine sees a wide range of dry eye disease, ocular pathology, and is responsible for the pre- and post- operative assessments for Refractive, and Cataract patients.
Feel at ease with the highly trained doctors at
Oxford Eye Centre.
Oxford Eye Centre opened in March 2019 with a mission to provide the highest quality eye care services to the people of South East Brisbane, young and old. In partnership with local GPs and optometrists, our ophthalmology team provide the full suite of eye services for local residents, from newborn to residential aged care support. One of our ophthalmologists staffs the practice each day for both routine and urgent assessment. All appointments and enquiries are received via 3899 2965 and require a GP or optometry referral.
What’s different about our practice?
We’re local
We are the only full-time ophthalmology practice in our area
We’re a small practice with an one Ophthalmologist present daily to both assess and treat our patients.
The focus of our GP , optometry and ophthalmology team has always been local